08.15 am to 04.15 pm
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Wellness counselling

Wellness counselling is more of prevention than intervention model, and involves imparting knowledge of overall good health in other areas than the psychological/emotional component. Wellness counselling integrates physical, social and spiritual health into the treatment model.

The purpose of wellness counselling is to assist individuals to maximize their quality of life and longevity, by discarding poor health habits and adopting healthy day to day practices. It encompasses a variety of good health practices: exercise, fitness, nutrition. Sleep and rest, journal writing, spirituality, meditation and connection and attachment to others.

Career Counselling

All our students will make successful transitions from their academic pursuits to their first-choice graduation destinations based upon a clear understanding of the career development process, competitive credentials and securing career options that reflect their unique interests, skills, passion, and aspirations.

The school is responsible for guiding and helping students regarding their career selection and university. The student can take help from external agencies to facilitate this process. In this case, the final responsibility lies with the student/ parent.

Motivation Counselling

We are all motivated to achieve. One of the primary challenges for school counselors and other adults in the school community is how to instill in students a love of learning, becoming excited about the adventure of exploration and discovery that leads to achieving one’s goals and a sense of fulfillment. Students need to understand the importance of being motivated to achieve, the relationship of achievement to success in school, and the consequences of failing to find the motivation to accomplish something meaningful and significant in their lives. In MVM we train the students on the following

Individual Emotion wellbeing counselling

Emotional wellness inspires self-care, relaxation, stress reduction and the development of inner strength. Wellness also includes the ability to learn and grow from experiences. Emotional well-being encourages autonomy and proper decision making skills. It is an important part of overall wellness. In MVM, we educate and train students about handling one’s emotion by following below mentioned practices