The hostel is truly a model for nurturing a sound body and steady mind for the students. It is self-sufficient in all aspects and geared to take care of every need of the student. The students in the hostel are provided with a homely ambience so that they don’t miss home. They are allotted with specific playtime everyday so as to keep themselves physically fit. The various kinds of services provided for the students inside the hostel premises itself are as below:

Hostel Mess
The hostel mess caters to all the food and nutritional requirements of the students. They are served with a well-balanced, nutritious and strictly vegetarian diet along with milk. The menu for all meal sessions is changed regularly to provide variety and wholesome nourishment.
The kitchen is well maintained to guarantee high standards of hygiene. It is also well furnished with modern methods of cookery, replete with contemporary cooking gadgets
The health of the children is adequately watched over in the hostel. It has a well-equipped dispensary under the care of a professional Medical Practitioner. No stone is left unturned when it comes to the physical well-being of any child. The students are periodically examined by E.N.T., Eye and Dental specialists. Also the services of the General and the Super-Speciality Hospitals, which are located in the vicinity, are extended to the inmates of the hostel whenever necessary.
There is also a separate Sick Ward Pantry to prepare special diets as per doctor’s advice for students not keeping good health.
Other in-house facilities
The hostel has a number of other services in-house to make the stay of the student at the hostel a pleasant experience.
They include –
- A general stores stocking every possible item, from pencils and pins to buckets and bags, as may be required by the students.
- A library and reading room with a variety collection of general knowledge and children story books apart from comics and other light reading material.
- An audio-visual parlour provides wholesome entertainment on weekends and on other special occasions.
- A computer room with Internet connectivity and multimedia facility with restricted access help the students for recreation and learning.
- For artistically inclined students the hostel has ample facilities to pursue their interests of painting, drawing, etc. in their leisure time.
For boys keen on indoor games like carom, chess, etc., the hostel has spacious patios. Other than these, the hostel has special rooms and people are employed for services like laundry, saloon, etc.